Sometimes back, The Underwear Expert took a survey of 45000 men and asked the respondents to list out their top choices in underwear styles. The result show the considerate changes in the underneath fashion for men in recent past. While the date is based on the response of enthusiasts, it has paved the way to figure out the potential changes in the taste and preference of men as far as the style of men’s underwear is concerned.

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The very first line of the report states, “The fashion forward guys know it’s not just about boxers and briefs anymore. ”
The trend is shifting from the traditional styles of men’s underwear to the ultra sexy men’s lingerie. However, most men still think that they’ll be compromising their masculinity by trying something of this sort. If you are one of them and still haven’t tried fun-filled undies or if you’re looking forward to try them, then, this is a perfect place for you. Listed below are some of the darn sexy lingerie that every men who prioritize sex appeal should try.
Men’s thong
Thongs for men vary in thickness in the back. Some measure wider in the back than others. The ones that cover the very least and are just a string, but the most typical thongs will have about a half inch to a full inch of material coverage in the back, just enough to cover the crack.
G-string underwear
G-strings for men can be considered as the sexier version of thongs. The tantalize undies features a tiny pouch in the front to support your manhood and leaves the rest for the show. The ultra-skimpy undies are specifically designed to help you show off your goods. Try them on and your sex appeal will shoot right through the roof.
C-string underwear
Not for the faint-heart, C-string underwear is one of the most unique way of exploring the kinky side of an individual. The underwear just features a c-shaped pouch that hugs the junk and keeps it together. While it appears to be hanging freely in the air, it finds it’s support in between the butt-cheek of the wearer.
Costume underwear
From date nights to Halloween, nothing advocates sensuality more than a costume underwear. Undress to flaunt the ensemble that not only speaks occasion, but can also leave your partner awestruck. The novelty underwear is an ideal way to spice up the special evening.
Fashion Jockstrap
Jockstrap underwear is not only about support and protection anymore. The contemporary styles of fashion jockstrap can really turn an occasion extra special. The revealing undies are like business in the front and party at the back. The revealing derriere will leave your partner asking for more. In addition to the sexy cut, some of the jockstraps are made of see-through fabric that can keep everything exciting and intriguing.
Have you tried any of the above-mentioned styles? Do you have anything sexier than these undies? Do share with us.
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